완성된 모습:

출처 : https://support.office.com/en-us/article/change-how-you-view-your-outlook-calendar-a4e0dfd2-89a1-4770-9197-a3e786f4cd8f


View two time zones in the Week view

When working with partners in different time zones, it’s helpful to see both time zones in the Week view. For example, when I schedule meetings from the New York office (Eastern time zone), I want to view my Australian co-worker's schedule (Brisbane time zone) so I don’t book her during non-working hours.

  1. Click Calendar.

  2. Click Home > Arrange > Week.

  3. Right-click the empty space at the top of the time bar, and then click Change Time Zone on the shortcut menu.

  4. Under Time zones, type Eastern Time Zone in the Label box.

  5. In the Time zone list, click (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).

  6. Select Show a second time zone.

  7. Type Brisbane in the Label box.

  8. In the Time zone list, click (UTC+ 10:00) Brisbane.

  9. Click OK.

'Microsoft > Outlook' 카테고리의 다른 글

Outlook 단축키  (0) 2014.03.10
Outlook 오류 및 해결책  (0) 2013.08.09
gSyncit 오류  (1) 2013.04.23
Posted by 세모아

5. 일정 단축키 (일정화면에서)

- Ctrl + G : 날짜 이동

Outlook shortcuts -----

Switch to Inbox. Ctrl+Shift+I

Go to the Search box. F3 or Ctrl+E

Shortcuts for basic navigation:

Switch to the Mail view. Ctrl+1

Switch to the Calendar view. Ctrl+2

Mail keyboard shortcuts:

Start a send/receive action & show progress popup shift+F9

Send a message. Alt+S 

Reply to a message. Ctrl+R

Select the Reply to All option. Ctrl+Shift+R

Forward a message. Ctrl+F

Calendar keyboard shortcuts : 

Show one day in the calendar. Alt+1

Show N days in the calendar. Alt+(N)

Switch to the Week view. Alt+Minus sign (-)

Work Week view Ctrl+Alt+2

출처 : https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/keyboard-shortcuts-for-outlook-3cdeb221-7ae5-4c1d-8c1d-9e63216c1efd

'Microsoft > Outlook' 카테고리의 다른 글

Outlook - 2개의 시간대 보기 (일/주 보기에 해당)  (0) 2019.08.08
Outlook 오류 및 해결책  (0) 2013.08.09
gSyncit 오류  (1) 2013.04.23
Posted by 세모아

'Microsoft > Outlook' 카테고리의 다른 글

Outlook 단축키  (0) 2014.03.10
gSyncit 오류  (1) 2013.04.23
아웃룩(2007) 첨부파일 미리보기 해제  (0) 2013.02.14
Posted by 세모아

gSyncit 오류

Microsoft/Outlook 2013. 4. 23. 10:01

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위 멜로 연락요.

문제 현상 ----------------

싱크 마지막에 아래 Error 발생 (최신버전으로 업데이트해도 동일)

로그 :

2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncEntry ID                : 310
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncEntry GOOGLE_ENTRYID    : _611j2h1n74okcba46sp38b9k60r44ba260s4ab9h612kch248kpk4dpj6c
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncEntry GOOGLE_ENTRYURI   : https://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/joshualhj%40gmail.com/private/full/_611j2h1n74okcba46sp38b9k60r44ba260s4ab9h612kch248kpk4dpj6c
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncEntry GOOGLE_LASTUPDATE : 2013-04-23 오전 12:50:58
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncEntry OUTLOOK_ENTRYID   : 00000000659F9E82987E0947A7DCC7F23E9D7F4DE4863301
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncEntry OUTLOOK_LASTUPDATE: 2013-04-23 오전 12:42:51
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 =================================================================
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 Skipping Entry - Item Not Modified.
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 =================================================================
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 Items Read    = 3
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 Items Deleted = 0
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 Items Added   = 0
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 Items Updated = 0
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 =================================================================
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 [SyncProcess::SyncCalendars]
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 Calendar Sync Completed
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 [SyncProcess::LogObjectFields]
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 [TASK SYNC: TOODLEDO TASKS]
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 ================================================================================
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 FeedName                                      =
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 Username                                      = joshualhj@gmail.com
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 Password                                      = ***********
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 GoogleFeedName                                = (All Tasks)
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 GoogleFeedPath                                = -1
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 OutlookFolderId                               = 00000000659F9E82987E0947A7DCC7F23E9D7F4DA2810000
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 OutlookStoreId                                = 0000000038A1BB1005E5101AA1BB08002B2A56C200006D737073742E646C6C00000000004E495441F9BFB80100AA0037D96E0000000044003A005C005F0065006D00610069006C005C006F00750074006C006F006F006B005C0064006100740061005C004F00750074006C006F006F006B0032002E007000730074000000
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 Sync2Google                                   = True
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 Sync2Outlook                                  = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 Enabled                                       = True
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncStartRange                                = 2011-08-23 오후 5:30:35
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncEndRange                                  = 2013-08-22 오후 5:30:35
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncUseDayRange                               = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncUseDateRange                              = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncByDayStart                                = 365
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncByDayEnd                                  = 365
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 OverwriteOlderEntries                         = True
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 Categories                                    = System.String[]
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 AssignCategoresToNewItems                     = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 FilterByCategory                              = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 RestrictByCategory                            = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 AssignCategores                               = True
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 FlagAsPrivate                                 = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 FlagGoogleAsPrivate                           = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 ContinueOnError                               = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncPrivateAppointments                       = True
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncPublicAppointments                        = True
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 TimeZoneName                                  =
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 EnableSSL                                     = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 ConfirmDeletes                                = True
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 PrimarySyncDirection                          = Outlook2Google
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 KeyworkFilter                                 = Disable
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 FilterKeywords                                =
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 FeedId                                        = 817d1204-de30-44fb-a309-4b17310fa496
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 GoogleAccountType                             =
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 AllowDeletes                                  = True
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 GoogleEventPrefix                             = [Task]
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncTaskPropInDesc                            = True
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncOnlyEventsWithPrefix                      = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncTasksByDueDateOnly                        = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 DefaultReminderType                           = Pop-up
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncOutlookTasksWithoutDueDates               = True
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 RemoveDuplicates                              = True
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 OnlySyncUncategorizedItems                    = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncReminders                                 = True
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncTasksByReminderDateTime                   = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 DoNotSyncCompletedTasks                       = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 GoogleTaskSource                              = Tasks
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 OnlySyncSpecificOutlookTaskPriority           = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncSpecificOutlookTaskPriority               = Normal
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 IncludeArchivedTasks                          = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncOutlookDueDateWithGoogleEndDate           = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncOutlookUserDefinedFields                  = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncRecurringTasks2                           = True
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 FollowupFolderId                              = System.String[]
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 DefaultOutlookTaskPriority                    = Normal
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 TaskDueTime                                   = 1970-01-01 오후 5:00:00
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 UseOutlookDueTime                             = True
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 UseToodleDoStandardAlarmTime                  = True
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 FieldMapping                                  = gsyncit.core.TaskFeedMapping+TaskFieldMap[]
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 AutoSyncCategoryWith                          = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 AutoSyncCategoryWithField                     = Folder
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 AutoSyncCategoryCustomMap                     = gsyncit.core.TaskFeedMapping+TaskCategoryCustomMap[]
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncTaskNotes                                 = True
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 AutoSyncCategoryWithFolder                    = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 AutoSyncCategoryWithContext                   = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 AutoSyncCategoryWithGoal                      = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 AutoSyncCategoryWithTags                      = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 PreserveLongNotes                             = True
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 AllowOutlookNoteUpdates                       = True
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 SyncOutlookTaskStartDateWithGoogleDueDate     = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 MoveCompletedTasksToFolder                    = False
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 MoveToFolderId                                =
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 MoveToFolderStoreId                           =
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 ================================================================================
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 [SyncProcess::OnCalendarSyncStatus]
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:44 Sync Status = Syncing with Toodledo ... [] [0 of 0]
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:45 [EventLogger::TraceError]
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:45
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:45 Error [원격 서버에서 (407) 프록시 인증 필요 오류를 반환했습니다.]
The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required.
Excpt [ 원격 서버에서 (407) 프록시 인증 필요 오류를 반환했습니다. ] Stack -->    위치: System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
   위치: ToodledoLib.ToodleDoService.GetResponseStream(String url)
   위치: ToodledoLib.ToodleDoService.SendRequestJson(String uri)
   위치: ToodledoLib.ToodleDoService.RequestNewToken()
   위치: ToodledoLib.ToodleDoService.GetAccountToken(Boolean reset)
   위치: ToodledoLib.ToodleDoService.GetAccountToken()
   위치: gsyncit.core.SyncProcess.SyncTasksToodleDo()
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:45
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:45 [frmError::.ctor]
2013-04-23 오전 9:53:45 Error =  원격 서버에서 (407) 프록시 인증 필요 오류를 반환했습니다. The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required.

   위치: gsyncit.core.SyncProcess.SyncTasksToodleDo()
   위치: gsyncit.core.SyncProcess._SyncronizeContent()

Version =

Posted by 세모아

Outlook 2007버전 : 도구 - 보안센터 - 첨부파일처리 에서 첨부파일 미리보기 해제 를 체크 (아래그림 참고)

Posted by 세모아

내가 만든 첨부 파일 :


업데이트시 에러나긴 하지만  등록은 되는듯.



문의 하신 Outlook 2007에서 2013년 공휴일을 추가하는 방법에 대해 안내를 드리겠습니다.

말씀해 주신 제품이 Office 2007이라면, 최신 버전으로 업데이트 하시는 경우 기본적으로 2020년까지 공휴일이 추가 되실 것입니다. 2013년 공휴일이 보이지 않는다면, 혹시 Outlook 2003이 아니신가요?


2013년 이후의 공휴일을 수동으로 추가하는 방법입니다.

c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office 12\1042\outlook.hol
c:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Office\Office 12\1042\outlook.hol  : 64Bit일 경우

파일을 메모장에서 실행하면, 현재 설정되어 있는 공휴일을 확인하실 수 있습니다.

[대한민국] ** (현재 설정되어 있는 공휴일 수입니다. 만약 아래 내용을 추가하고자 하신다면, 해당 개수만큼 숫자를 늘려 주셔야 합니다.)

공휴일, ****/**/**

공휴일, ****/**/**

공휴일, ****/**/**

기존 Outlook.hol 파일을 확인하여 아래 내용을 [대한민국]에 추가해 주시기 바랍니다. (추가 184개)

석가 탄신일,2013/5/17
석가 탄신일,2014/5/6
석가 탄신일,2015/5/25
석가 탄신일,2016/5/14
석가 탄신일,2017/5/3
석가 탄신일,2018/5/22
석가 탄신일,2019/5/12
석가 탄신일,2020/4/30
추석 (첫째 날),2013/9/18
추석 (첫째 날),2014/9/7
추석 (첫째 날),2015/9/26
추석 (첫째 날),2016/9/14
추석 (첫째 날),2017/10/3
추석 (첫째 날),2018/9/23
추석 (첫째 날),2019/9/12
추석 (첫째 날),2020/9/30
추석 (셋째 날),2013/9/20
추석 (셋째 날),2014/9/9
추석 (셋째 날),2015/9/28
추석 (셋째 날),2016/9/16
추석 (셋째 날),2017/10/5
추석 (셋째 날),2018/9/25
추석 (셋째 날),2019/9/14
추석 (셋째 날),2020/10/2
추석 (당일),2013/9/19
추석 (당일),2014/9/8
추석 (당일),2015/9/27
추석 (당일),2016/9/15
추석 (당일),2017/10/4
추석 (당일),2018/9/24
추석 (당일),2019/9/13
추석 (당일),2020/10/1
설날 (첫째 날),2013/2/9
설날 (첫째 날),2014/1/30
설날 (첫째 날),2015/2/18
설날 (첫째 날),2016/2/7
설날 (첫째 날),2017/1/27
설날 (첫째 날),2018/2/15
설날 (첫째 날),2019/2/4
설날 (첫째 날),2020/1/24
설날 (셋째 날),2013/2/11
설날 (셋째 날),2014/2/1
설날 (셋째 날),2015/2/20
설날 (셋째 날),2016/2/9
설날 (셋째 날),2017/1/29
설날 (셋째 날),2018/2/17
설날 (셋째 날),2019/2/6
설날 (셋째 날),2020/1/26
설날 (당일),2013/2/10
설날 (당일),2014/1/31
설날 (당일),2015/2/19
설날 (당일),2016/2/8
설날 (당일),2017/1/28
설날 (당일),2018/2/16
설날 (당일),2019/2/5
설날 (당일),2020/1/25

Outlook.hol 파일을 수정해 주신 후 아래 내용으로 Outlook에 해당 일정을 적용해 주시기 바랍니다.



추가적인 내용이 있다면 하단의 [응답] 버튼을 눌러 회신해주시기 바랍니다.

제시해 드린 답변이 도움이 되었기를 바랍니다.

응답이 문제 해결에 도움이 되었다면, 아래에 있는 답변으로 [표시] 버튼을 눌러 주시기 바랍니다. 이는 유사한 증상을 겪는 다른 사용자들에게 도움이 될 수 있습니다.


'Microsoft > Outlook' 카테고리의 다른 글

아웃룩(2007) 첨부파일 미리보기 해제  (0) 2013.02.14
Outlook tip: Applying a View to All Folders  (0) 2013.01.14
나의 outlook 설정  (0) 2013.01.14
Posted by 세모아

출처: http://www.outlook-tips.net/tips/tip-139-applying-a-view-to-all-folders/

Tip 139: Applying a View to All Folders

Today's Question:
"I can create a custom view, but can't find a way to apply it to all folders other than on a one-by-one basis. Is there a way to apply the view to all folders at one time?"

Unfortunately you can't apply new views to a group of folders. The only option is to customize the Messages view and it will apply to all folders still using the Messages view. For best results, open Outlook using the /cleanviews switch before customizing Messages view – this removes all custom views and reset all default views, insuring the new customized Messages view will apply to all Mail folders.

(Update: Outlook 2010 adds this feature.)

나의 정리.

 - 조건 : Outlook 2007

1. 명령 프롬프트에서 아래 실행

c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12>outlook /cleanviews



4. 아래 창에서 수정 하고 [확인] 클릭

5. [보기 적용] 버튼 클릭

Posted by 세모아


* 버젼: Outlook 2010

. 빠른 실행 도구 모음에 Outlook Today 메뉴 추가

  - 방법: 아웃룩 타이틀 바의 메뉴에서 지정

. 아웃룩 시작시 Outlook Today 로 시작하기

 - Outlook Today 우측상단의 <Outlook Today 사용자 지정 메뉴> 에서 설정

Customize Outlook Today

. 캘린더 일일보기에 시간대를 1시간대로 해서 하루 전체가 모니터에서 다 보이게 하기

 - 일일보기 좌측 시간대에서 마우스 우클릭하여 60분 간격 선택.

Applying a View to All Folders(내 블로그 참고) 를 하는데,

 1) 받은 편지함에, 아래 파란색으로 표시를 적용하고

 2) Applying a View to All Folders를 하면, 파란색 표시가 모든 폴더에 적용됨.


나에게만 온 메시지를 파란색으로 표시  (outlook 2007)

 : 도구 - 구성 메뉴에서,

outlook 2013 은 아래링크 참고하는데, 내가 적용한 방법은

현재 보여지는 타이틀바를 우클릭 -> 고급보기 설정 컴팩트 -> 조건부 서식 -> 추가 -> 

이름을 "나에게만 보낸 메시지", 조건을 메시지 탭에서 내 위치 를 check하고 "받는 사람 항목에 혼자 있는 경우" 선택 후 확인

-> 글꼴 -> 색을 파랑 선택.


검색 폴더에 "읽지않은 수신메일-지난달부터" 설정하여 활용

(폴더별로 이동되거나, 이동되지 않은 것을 한꺼번에 볼 때 활용)

 - 사용 예

 - 설정방법

//18.8.13  outlook 2013

mail Inbox에서 compact view에서 일자와 시간이 함께 보이게 하기

'Microsoft > Outlook' 카테고리의 다른 글

Outlook tip: Applying a View to All Folders  (0) 2013.01.14
Outlook Security Configurator  (0) 2012.10.16
[펌] How to increase Outlook's performance  (3) 2012.10.16
Posted by 세모아

from: http://www.kopf.com.br/outlook_security/



» Description screenshot

Free tool for setting up how Microsoft Outlook block (or not) e-mail attachments.

Get rid of the message "Outlook blocked access to the following potentially unsafe attachments"!

Comments, suggestions and bugs are always welcome: . Please be aware that this is a stable beta version.

» Download

File Version Author Date Size
OutlookSecurityConfigurator.zip 0.8 Bruno Marotta 2010-08-01 221 KB

If you think that this application helped you a lot and saved your life:

'Microsoft > Outlook' 카테고리의 다른 글

나의 outlook 설정  (0) 2013.01.14
[펌] How to increase Outlook's performance  (3) 2012.10.16
★ Outlook Attachment Remover Add-in (freeware)  (0) 2012.10.16
Posted by 세모아

from: http://www.kopf.com.br/outlook/performance.php

» How to increase Outlook's performance

1. Extract the attachments

Extracting the atachments from your emails is the best way for improving Outlook's performance. No wonder that there are a lot of add-ins that propose that solution. The only difference that this one is free. Just follow these steps:

- Download the Outlook Attachment Remover Add-in and install it
- Run Outlook
- Extract the attachments from your Inbox and Sent Items. To know how, check here

2. Compact Personal files

- On Outlook, select the menu File|Data File Management...
- Select the first file on the list then press Settings...
- Press the Compact Now button. This step will take a little while
- Close this dialog box an repeat the process for your other personal files (if you have more than one).

3. Archive old emails

Archiving your old emails, like removing the attachments, decrease the personal files size and, by doing so, increases the Outlook's perfomance. The procedure copies old email messages and attachments to an Archive.pst file and then removes the data from the main .pst file.
In other hand, archiving emails make the information "less accessible" and also, if you leave the archive folder opened all the time, that won't save you a lot of memory.
Anyway, archiving very old Outlook's emails, is a valid measure for descreasing your Outlook's files size.

To do it once:
- Under the File menu, select Archive.
- On the Archive dialog, select the folder you want to archive.
- Optionally (for advanced users) you can change the file to store the archived items.
- Press OK.
- After archiving, is always good to compact your personal file.

To setup the Auto-Archive feature:
- Under the Tools menu, select Options.
- Select the Other Tab and press the AutoArchive button
- Change the options as they better suit you and press OK

To hide the Archive Folders:
- Right click on the Archive Folders
- Choose the option Close "Archive Folders"

To view the archived items:
- Under the File menu, select Data File Management
- Press add then OK
- Select the Archive.pst file and press OK
- The Archives Folders will reappear.

4. Other valuable tips

Here follows some other tips that may help you improving the Outlook's performance:

Turn off the Instant Messaging: Under Tools | Options | Other, turn off the Enable Person Names Smart Tag.

Turn off the SSDP Discovery Service: If your office doesn't have way-kewl HiFi and video, and you know for certain your network printers aren't UPnP devices, you can safely disable SSDP Discovery Service from XP's Computer Management.
- On the Windows Start Menu, select Run.
- Type "services.msc" then press OK.
- A new window should appear listing all the services on your machine. Highlight the service called SSDP Discovery Service.
- Right click on it and select Properties.
- Set the Startup type to manual and press the Stop button (if enabled).
- Press OK.

Posted by 세모아

Extracting the atachments from your emails is the best way for improving Outlook's performance. No wonder that there are a lot of add-ins that propose that solution. The only difference that this one is free.

from: http://www.kopf.com.br/outlook/download.php


Posted by 세모아

첨부파일을 아웃룩에 저장하여 필요시마다 보기.

(도움말의 내용을 저장한 것임)

Outlook에서 검색 조건을 좁혀 검색 결과를 향.zip

Outlook에서 검색 조건을 좁혀 검색 결과를 향상시키는 방법

다음 표에서는 유용한 검색 예제를 보여 줍니다. 빠른 검색 (빠른 검색: 단어를 입력할 때 강조 표시하여 검색 결과를 신속하게 제공하는 검색 기능입니다. 빠른 검색 창은 메일, 일정, 연락처, 작업, 메모, 폴더 목록 및 업무 일지에서 항상 사용할 수 있습니다.) 기능이 설정된 경우에 사용할 수 있는 검색 쿼리 구문은 키워드:검색 조건 의 기본 형식을 따릅니다.

예: 보낸사람:hyunsoo

표에 설명된 것과 같이 AND, NOT, OR, <, >, = 등의 논리 연산자를 사용하여 검색을 구체화할 수도 있습니다. 논리 연산자는 반드시 대문자로 입력해야 합니다.

 참고   이전 섹션에 설명된 쿼리 작성기를 사용하면 검색 쿼리 구문이 자동으로 만들어지고 빠른 검색 상자에 표시됩니다.

입력 항목 검색 항목
hyunsoo hyunsoo, HYUNSOO, HyuNsoo 또는 기타 대/소문자 조합을 포함하는 항목. 빠른 검색은 대/소문자를 구분하지 않습니다.
hyunsoo kang 순서에 관계없이 hyunsookang을 둘 다 포함하는 항목
hyunsoo AND kang 순서에 관계없이 hyunsookang을 둘 다 포함하는 항목. AND, NOT, OR 등의 논리 연산자는 반드시 대문자로 입력해야 합니다.
hyunsoo NOT kang hyunsoo는 포함하고 kang은 포함하지 않는 항목
hyunsoo OR kang hyunsookang 중 하나 또는 둘 다 포함하는 항목
"hyunsoo kang" hyunsoo kang과 정확하게 일치하는 구를 포함하는 항목. 검색 결과가 따옴표 안의 구와 정확하게 일치하도록 하려면 큰따옴표를 사용해야 합니다.
보낸사람:"hyunsoo kang" hyunsoo kang이 보낸 항목. 검색 결과가 따옴표 안의 구와 정확하게 일치하도록 하려면 큰따옴표를 사용해야 합니다.
보낸사람:"hyunsoo kang" about:"상태 보고서" hyunsoo kang이 보낸 항목 중 제목 줄, 본문 및 첨부 파일 내용에 상태 보고서가 표시된 항목. 검색 결과가 따옴표 안의 구와 정확하게 일치하도록 하려면 큰따옴표를 사용해야 합니다.
첨부파일있음:예 첨부 파일이 있는 항목. 첨부파일있음:true를 사용해도 같은 결과를 얻을 수 있습니다.
첨부파일:presentation.pptx 이름이 presentation.pptx인 첨부 파일 또는 내용에 presentation.pptx가 포함된 첨부 파일이 있는 항목
제목:"hyunsoo kang" 제목에 hyunsoo kang이 포함된 항목
제목:hyunsoo kang 제목 줄에 hyunsoo가 있고 문서의 다른 위치에 kang이 포함된 항목
참조:"hyunsoo more" 표시 이름 hyunsoo kang이 참조 줄에 있는 항목
참조:hyunsookang@contoso.com 전자 메일 주소 hyunsookang@contoso.com이 참조 줄에 있는 항목
숨은참조:hyunsoo 숨은 참조 줄에 hyunsoo가 있는 항목
메시지크기:<10 KB 크기가 10KB 이하인 항목. "보다 작음" 비교 연산자(<)를 사용합니다.
메시지크기:>5 MB 크기가 5MB 이상인 항목. "보다 큼" 비교 연산자(>)를 사용합니다.
받은날짜:=2006-01-01 2006년 1월 1일에 도착한 항목. "같음" 비교 연산자(=)를 사용합니다.

어제 도착한 항목. 빠른 검색에서는 다음 날짜 값도 인식합니다.

  • 상대 날짜:    오늘, 내일, 어제
  • 여러 단어로 된 상대 날짜:    이번 , 다음 , 지난 , 지난 , 내년
  • 요일:     일요일, 월요일 ... 토요일
  • 월:     1, 2 ... 12
받은날짜:지난 주 지난 주에 도착한 항목. 이 쿼리는 시간 관련 쿼리이므로 지금부터 한 달 후에 다시 실행하면 다른 결과를 얻게 됩니다.
기한:지난 주 추가 작업 기한 플래그가 지정된 항목
메시지크기:tiny 크기가 10KB 이하인 항목
메시지크기:small 크기가 10KB에서 25KB 사이인 항목
메시지크기:medium 크기가 25KB에서 100KB 사이인 항목
메시지크기:large 크기가 100KB에서 500KB 사이인 항목
메시지크기:verylarge 크기가 500KB에서 1MB 사이인 항목
플래그상태:추가 작업 플래그 추가 작업 플래그가 지정된 항목
메시지크기:enormous 크기가 5MB 이상인 항목
플래그있음:true 추가 작업 플래그가 지정된 항목
보낸사람:hyunsoo (받은날짜:05-01-07 OR 받은날짜:05-01-08) hyunsoo가 보낸 항목 중 2005년 1월 7일 또는 2005년 1월 8일에 도착한 항목. 괄호를 사용하여 날짜를 그룹화합니다.
받은날짜:>=06-10-01 AND 받은날짜:<=06-10-05 2006년 10월 1일에서 2006년 10월 5일 사이에 도착한 항목
받은날짜:>06-10-01 AND 받은날짜:<06-10-05 2006년 10월 1일 이후부터 2006년 10월 5일 이전까지 도착한 항목
보낸날짜:어제 어제 보낸 항목
받는사람:hyunsoo 보낸 편지함 폴더에 있는 항목 중 hyunsoo에게 보낸 항목
읽음:아니요 읽지 않은 항목. 읽음:false를 사용해도 같은 결과를 얻을 수 있습니다.
제목:상태 받은날짜:5월 연도에 관계없이 5월 한 달 동안 모든 사람으로부터 받은 항목 중 제목에 상태가 포함된 항목
시작:다음 주 제목:상태 다음 주 일정 항목 중 제목에 상태가 포함된 항목
되풀이:예 되풀이되는 일정 항목
이끌이:hyunsoo hyunsoo가 이끌이인 일정 항목
범주:업무 업무로 분류된 항목
연락처이름:hyunsoo 이름 필드에 hyunsoo가 포함된 연락처
연락처성:kang 성 필드에 kang이 포함된 연락처
애칭:hyunsoo 애칭 필드에 hyunsoo가 포함된 연락처
직함:의사 직함 필드에 의사가 포함된 연락처
호출기:555-0100 호출기 필드에 555-0100이 포함된 연락처
근무처전화:555-0100 근무처 전화 필드에 555-0100이 포함된 연락처
집전화:555-0100 집 전화 필드에 555-0100이 포함된 연락처
휴대폰:555-0100 휴대폰 필드에 555-0100이 포함된 연락처
카폰:555-0100 카폰 필드에 555-0100이 포함된 연락처
근무처팩스:555-0100 근무처 팩스 필드에 555-0100이 포함된 연락처
집팩스:555-0100 집 팩스 필드에 555-0100이 포함된 연락처
근무처주소:(135-280 서울특별시 강남구 대치동 892) 근무처 주소 필드에 135-280 서울특별시 강남구 대치동 892가 포함된 연락처. 주소를 괄호로 묶습니다.
집주소:(135-280 서울특별시 강남구 대치동 892) 집 주소 필드에 135-280 서울특별시 강남구 대치동 892가 포함된 연락처. 주소를 괄호로 묶습니다.
구군시:강남구 근무처 구/군/시 필드에 강남구가 포함된 연락처
근무처우편번호:135-280 근무처 우편 번호 필드에 135-280이 포함된 연락처
근무처주소:(대치동 892) 근무처 주소 번지 필드에 대치동 892가 포함된 연락처. 주소를 괄호로 묶습니다.
집주소:(대치동 892) 집 주소 번지 필드에 대치동 892가 포함된 연락처. 주소를 괄호로 묶습니다.
생일:1960-06-04 생일 필드에 1960-06-04가 포함된 연락처
웹페이지:www.contoso.com 웹 페이지 주소 필드에 URL www.contoso.com이 포함된 연락처

맨 위로 이동 맨 위로 이동

Posted by 세모아

현상 : 첨부파일 저장후에, "보안상 안전하지 않을 수 있으므로 다음 첨부 파일에 엑세스할 없다"로 메시지에 보임

해결책 :   (참고 #1 http://www.techhit.com/ezdetach/help/FAQ/ 의 맨아래

Outlook is blocking EZDetach links with “Outlook blocked access to the following potentially unsafe attachments”

     참고 #2      http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2271150)

  1. 시작, 실행을 차례로 클릭하고 열기 상자에 regedit를 입력한 다음 확인을 클릭합니다.
  2. 레지스트리에서 다음 하위 키를 찾아 클릭합니다.
    • Outlook 2010(version 14.0)
    • Outlook 2007(version 12.0)
    • Outlook 2003(version 11.0)
    • Outlook 2002(version 10.0)
  3. 편집 메뉴에서 새로 만들기를 가리킨 다음 DWORD 값을 클릭합니다.
  4. DWORD의 이름으로 AllowAttachByRef를 입력한 다음 Enter 키를 누릅니다.
  5. AllowAttachByRef를 마우스 오른쪽 단추로 클릭한 다음 수정을 클릭합니다.
  6. 값 데이터 상자에 1을 입력한 다음 확인을 클릭합니다.
  7. 레지스트리 편집기를 종료한 다음 컴퓨터를 다시 시작합니다.  <- 재부팅까지 불필요(My)

cf. Level1Remove(?)는 해결책 아님.

참고 : http://semoa.tistory.com/495

Posted by 세모아

Outlook doesn’t close

It isn't very common that Outlook doesn't close on it's own. Practically always this is caused by an add-in or another program that integrates with Outlook. Once this add-in is disabled or updated or the program is closed the problem will be gone and Outlook will close normally again.

Recognizing Outlook shutdown issues

Outlook shutdown issues are not always directly apparent but may surface via other errors or issues such as;

  • Outlook not being able to start anymore after you have closed it and only being able to open Outlook again after restarting the PC.
  • AutoComplete / AutoSuggest cache becoming corrupted and Outlook not offering you email addresses anymore when addressing a message.
  • Data file issues
    • Error to run the Inbox Repair Tool (scanpst.exe)
    • Error; “The data file <FILENAME> was not closed properly. This file is being checked for problems.”
    • Gears icon in the bottom right corner in Outlook.
    • Not being able to backup your pst-files.
  • Mails still coming in.
  • An Outlook icon still in the Notification Area (later versions will show a special icon Outlook background process icon )
  • Not being able to switch mail profiles (when using more than 1 mail profile in Outlook).
  • outlook.exe is still running on the Processes tab in Task Manager (accessible via CTRL+SHIFT+ESC or by right clicking an empty spot on your Task bar and choosing Task Manager).
  • Navigation Pane corruptions or resets. This can result in an Outlook startup error saying; Cannot open the Outlook window.
    (In this case, in order to be able to open Outlook again, you'll have to start it with the /resetnavpane switch.)
  • Error message about add-in when starting Outlook again.

Several changes have been made in Outlook 2007 SP2 and continued in Outlook 2010 to make the Outlook shutdown behavior more reliable but issues can still occur. The troubleshooting steps below therefore still apply.

Gears icon in Outlook
The gears icon indicates that Outlook checks
your data file for issues in the background.

Solving shutdown issues caused by add-ins

Various add-ins hook into Outlook in such a way that closing Outlook on its own has been made impossible. To find out if your issue is being caused by an add-in you can disable them all and see if the issue goes away. If Outlook now closes properly, you can enable your add-ins one-by-one (restarting Outlook after each one) to find out which add-in prevents Outlook from closing.

You can disable add-ins in the following way;

  • Outlook 2003 and previous
    Tools-> Options…-> tab Other-> button Advanced Options…-> button Add-In Manager… or button COM Add-ins…
  • Outlook 2007
    Tools-> Trust Center…-> section Add-Ins-> select the type of add-in in Manage and press Go…
  • Outlook 2010
    File-> Options-> section Add-Ins-> Go…

If you get a permissions error when trying to disable an add-in see the Quick Tip; Cannot disable add-in.

Disbling the Outlook Change Notifier add-in (click on image to enlarge)
Disabling the Outlook Change Notifier add-in can solve Outlook losing the AutoComplete cache.
(click on image to enlarge)

Solving shutdown issues caused by programs

Programs that integrate with Outlook are not always shown as an add-in as well. In this case you'll have to disable the integration in the program itself. See the documentation of that program on how to disable it. If the integration is the key of the program (like it is with synchronization software) make sure you close that program after or before closing Outlook or it will keep Outlook open.

Programs that tend to keep Outlook open are;

  • Fax software (such as WinFax Pro)
  • Virus scanners (Norton, AVG, Panda and Kaspersky are some known to have caused problems)
  • Anti-spam filters (for instance; Cloudmark)
  • Synchronization software (ActiveSync, BlackBerry Desktop, iTunes)
  • Windows Vista and Windows 7 Sidebar Gadgets displaying Outlook information
  • Skype (View-> Show Outlook Contacts)

Disabling the integration of your virus scanner doesn't increase (or decrease) the risk of infection by a virus. The on-access scanner of the virus scanner will suffice. Also note that Outlook doesn't allow code execution in the Reading/Preview Pane so you can't get infected by a virus by using the Reading/Preview Pane to read messages.
For more info also see the Quick Tip; Disable virus scanner integration?.
(depending on your virus scanner the on access scanner is also known as 'real time scanner', 'auto protect' or 'Virus Shield')

If you use synchronization software for your PDA, in most cases removing the PDA from its cradle before you close Outlook will suffice to let Outlook close successfully.

Outlook 2000 shutdown issues

If you are still using Outlook 2000 then you might notice that Outlook 2000 hangs if you try to quit Outlook 2000 after Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 was used to open your mailbox or if another user viewed your shared Calendar with Outlook 2003.

To solve this issue, get the hotfix offered in KB834005 by using the link at the left top of the article to request the download.

After solving your shutdown issue…

Once you've found the add-in or program that has been causing the shutdown issue, check with the supplier if there are updates for your product. If you decide that you no longer want to have that add-in or application installed, you can uninstall them the usual way via Control Panel-> Add/Remove Programs (Windows XP) or Control Panel-> Uninstall a Program (Windows Vista and Windows 7).

Now that Outlook closes correctly again, it is highly recommended to scan your pst-files for errors with scanpst.exe. The shutdown issue caused Outlook not to close the pst-file gracefully which may result in corruptions in the pst-file which could later cause other issues or even data loss.

To fix Outlook startup issues causes by the aforementioned shutdown issues, standard troubleshooting methods apply. For an overview see; Outlook doesn't start.

Posted by 세모아

from : http://www.msoutlook.info/question/77

Inbox Repair Tool (scanpst.exe)

Upon starting Outlook I get the message that errors have been detected and that I need to run the Inbox Repair tool. Where can I find that?

The Inbox Repair Tool can be started with scanpst.exe. The location of this file is different for almost every version of Outlook and it sometimes also depends on which language of Outlook you have installed and even if you have it installed on a 32-bit version of Windows or 64-bit version of Windows. There has to be some sort of price for this level of inconsistency ;-)

You can use OutlookTools (free) to locate it for you. Below you’ll find an overview of the default locations of scanpst.exe throughout the versions of Outlook.

Outlook 2010
32-bit Windows; C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14
64-bit Windows; C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14
64-bit Outlook;    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14

Outlook 2007
32-bit Windows; C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12
64-bit Windows; C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12

Outlook 2003
32-bit Windows; C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\MSMAPI\<locale ID>\scanpst.exe
64-bit Windows; C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\MSMAPI\<locale ID>\scanpst.exe

Outlook 2002/XP
C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\MAPI\<locale ID>\scanpst.exe

Outlook 2000
C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\MAPI\<locale ID>\NT\scanpst.exe

Outlook 97 / Outlook 98
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Windows Messaging\scanpst.exe

Note 1: The <locale ID> is a number to identify your language of Office. You can find an overview of the numbers here. You need to look in the "LCID Dec" column for the correct number.

Note 2: When you connect to an Exchange server and need to check your local cache (ost-file) for errors you’ll need to run scanost.exe. You can find this in the same location as scanpst.exe except for Outlook 97/98/2000 and Outlook 2010. These versions of Outlook don’t have the scanost.exe feature. In this case, rename the ost-file to .old and Outlook will rebuild a new cache from the Exchange mailbox.

Note 3: If scanpst.exe is unable to fix your pst-file, then it is too badly corrupted. You can then try repairing or salvage recoverable items via a 3rd party recovery tool such as Advanced Outlook Repair (for pst-files) or Advanced Exchange Recovery (for ost-files).
If you decide to order use DNC-PUXB-HT to get a discount.

Posted by 세모아

LookOut – Microsoft Outlook Search tool, still works

January 23, 2008 · 36 comments

If you are like me, you don’t like filing of emails too much. I just love the Google’s way of ‘Archiving’ the mails and keeping my Inbox Zero and clean. But without a proper Outlook Search tool, this method would be highly impractical. I have been using Microsoft Desktop Search all these while but it took my laptop’s XP to a crawling speed. My outlook data weighs multiple GB’s. So I was in the market for a better Outlook Search tool. Here is what I found:-

1) I checked out a new Outlook Search Tool – Lookeen - a fresh software which is being frequently updated.   I had a chance to speak up with the developers (from Germany) over FaceBook!. Lookeen on my Outlook seems to do the Job just fine.

2) Google Desktop Search – is just a waste of time. The search results were pointless. More or less it always gave me some generic results. I must admit that before the Windows Desktop Search days, I was a GDS fan.

3) Copernic Desktop Search – Could not handle the size of my Outlook Data I guess. It just vanished in to thin air most of the time. I cannot trust something which crashes this often. CDS was much better in the earlier versions.

4) LookOut – Yeah.. The world has come to a full circle once again. Circa 2004 thingie. LookOut was lightning fast and my favorite. Microsoft took over this tiny tool to make the MSN Desktop Search. Since then, most of us forgot about LookOut. But in these days of bloated Desktop/Outlook search tools, to see something like LookOut – which just does its job – is a rarity. Fortunately MajorGeeks still have a copy of LookOut 1.3 for download. I installed, indexed and was ready to go in just half an hour. Fresh Air!

LookOut works well with my Outlook 2003 install and there are ways to make it even work with Outlook 2007.

Posted by 세모아

Lookout 1.2.0을 outlook 2007에서 사용중 //2013.2.14


이것 대신에 Lookeen 사용시도중. //11.11.5

파일위치 : D:\_Data\T_Data-5\6internet\Outlook\설치한것\Lookout(강추)

출처: http://www.belshe.com/2007/12/06/how-to-install-lookout-on-outlook-2007/

How to Install Lookout on Outlook 2007

I got another request today from an old friend for how to make Lookout run inside Outlook 2007.  I’ve probably received a thousand such requests over the last few years…  Since I recently installed Outlook 2007, I finally was able to test it out. 

This fix should make Lookout work.  However, if you have other .NET addins running in Outlook, there is a chance they will no longer work.  The fix is reversible though, so don’t be too scared.  But this fix is definitely for the tech savvy.  Gory details:


Installing Lookout on Outlook 2007

1) First, you’ll have to find a copy of Lookout.  Microsoft doesn’t distribute it anymore, but issuing this search on Google seems to find it pretty handily.

2) Next, install Lookout.  You’ll need admin privileges (no difference from XP), and the install will go without a hitch.

3) When you next restart Outlook, you’ll probably get this very apologetic-yet-unhelpful error dialog:


4) The problem is that Outlook 2007 ships the Outlook 2007 Office PIAs by default.  Open a command shell (as administrator), and issue the following commands:

  • cd  %SYSTEMROOT%\assembly\GAC
  • rename  Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook  Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OLD

5) Restart Outlook and you are good to go.


If this doesn’t work for you, or it breaks some other plugin, you’ll want to restore the interop library.  Just undo the command above thusly:

  • rename  Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OLD  Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook


Why does this dialog exist?

Only read this section if you are an Outlook plugin geek!

At the time Lookout was written, Microsoft’s strategy for shipping PIAs hadn’t fully been sorted out.  Prior to Outlook 10, there were no official PIAs.  Outlook 10 introduced official PIAs, which you could redistribute.  Outlook 11 had official PIAs as well (different ones), but Microsoft didn’t permit redistribution of them, and they weren’t backward compatible.  Further, with VS2003, it was pretty easy to create your own PIAs, which were almost identical to the official ones, but not signed.  There were lots of plugins out there, and some of them handled PIAs badly. 

At some point, Lookout ended up requiring that it be able to find the official Outlook 10 PIA installed, or it would assume it would fail.  It wasn’t smart enough to recognize that new versions of the PIA might be legit, and probably should have handled it better.  Who would have guessed that Outlook 12 would introduce yet a 3rd PIA distribution strategy?  OL2007 elects to install the PIAs into the GAC by default; so plugins no longer needed to redistribute them at all.  I do believe this is the best strategy.

What this simple fix does is temporarily uninstall the Office 12 version of the PIA.  As long as no other .NET Outlook addins are running (C++ based addins don’t use PIAs), this has absolutely zero negative impact on your system.  If other .NET addins exist on your system, and those addins are Outlook 11 or 12 specific (I don’t know of any OL12 specific plugins yet?), then you might have a problem with this fix.  These conflicts should be rare, but not zero.

Anyway, search on!

BTW - This fix is thanks to the Wayback Machine!  The original lookoutsoft support article (http://www.lookoutsoft.com/Forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=10) is now long gone.  But the Wayback Machine had it!  Otherwise, there is no way I would have remembered what the heck this error was about.

Related Blog Posts:


Thanks to Rohan Deshpande for consolidating updated instructions from the comments posted here. On some systems, the above instructions need to be augmented with two more steps:

 * echo ” > Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook
 * rename Policy.11.0.Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook Policy.11.0.Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OLD

166 Responses to “How to Install Lookout on Outlook 2007”

  1. Great! Al fifteenth tenttivo has worked on a Win7 with Outlook 2007 sp2. The combination that I have tested is the rename of Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook in an old file and the substitution of the dll Inventures_Olk.dll and Lookout.dll in C/:Program Files/LookOutSoftware/lookout.
    N.B. The versione of LookOut that works is the 1.2 (the 1.3 versione crash when start the indexer).
    Tks U!

  2. Irel says:

    Just got lookout 1.3 working with Windows 7/Outlook 2007 by -
    1. Emptying deleted messages in outlook.
    2. Disabling index option in Outlook. Then log out.
    3. Install Lookout 1.3.
    4. Change file to Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OLD
    5. Open Outlook and reset index by clicking on folders to be indexed.
    6. Lower Index speed to about half and you should be set.

    The indexing will take about an hour or two depending on the size.

  3. kettingshop says:

    Lookout on Outlook 2003 on Windows 7:

    I experienced the same crashes as mentioned above. I have solved the problem only by installing Lookout 1.2.
    Version 1.3 and 1.28 both kept crashing.

    Lookout 1.2 reports an error as mentioned above with the missing AppUpdate.log file. Simply adding a new, empty text file in the directory that is written out in the error text fixes this.

    I did rename the \assembly\GAC\Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook, it worked for me in Windows Safe Mode (press F8 when starting Windows). I do not know if this has had any affect: Outlook has created a new file with the same name.

    After an hour and a half of hacking, I will now begin to see if Lookout is as good as people say… ;-)

  4. Jun Kan says:

    Thanks! i followed your procedure and now Lookout1.3 works in my Outlook 2007 in Win7 64. My Outlook at first became nonresponsive 3 or 4 times. I removed the indexing for “Deleted items” and “RSS feed”, then allowed outlook to finish indexing.

  5. Jun Kan says:

    I mean, “LOOKOUT to finish indexing”. Sorry.

  6. tispratik says:

    Thanks for posting this article! It really helped me get Lookout running.
    After reading your article i upgraded from Outlook2003 to 2010, but Lookout did not work there. Then i downgraded to 2007, it did work there!

    Lookout is the only reason why i had not upgraded from 2003 to 2007 in the last two years, but now since i know that i can get it working, i did upgrade :)

  7. toutchoc says:

    Being completely in trouble with the outlook search, I just installed Lookout 1.3 on my Outlook 2007. Surprisingly, it works very well without even doing the rename mentioned in your post !!!

    Maybe microsoft has made recently some update that makes this rename no longer necessary. Or maybe it is because I’ve deactivated the Windows search service…I don’t know. Anyway, my advice is now to try installing Lookout without doing the rename first. An do it only if it’s not ok.

    Anyway thanks for this post. I had Lookout in the past, and since 2 years I used the slow built-in search of outlook 2007 until it definitively refused to work despite all my efforts and research. Coming back to Lookout is a pleasure.

  8. best solution is the Inventures_Olk.dll replacement:


    Better don’t use the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook renaming (what results in an automatic replacement by an older version of it).

    One word to crashing, not indexing etc. :
    1. Don’t tick macrosecurity for your addins. By default it is unticked anyway
    2. Reset ur toolbars, untick lookout, restart outlook, tick lookout
    3. Lookout of cause can’t index IMAP Folder Contents

    Thanks very much for this workaround!

  9. smartaus says:

    Mine is Windows 7 64 bit and Outlook 2007. Installed Lookout130 – crashes on indexing. Anyone had success?

  10. First Name, says:

    anyone pls HELP! I got a new laptop at work with Windows 7 and Oulook 2010. I need my Lookout….pls :-( Does anyone have step by step workaround and place for Lookout download? Please, please….e-mail: exomxf@yahoo.com Mike F.

  11. First Name, says:

    I tried per above comments and nothing work. Can anyone help with step-by-step Lookout installation for Outlook 2010 on Win 7 64 bit? Thanks in advance

  12. guys, can you please advise where can I download lookout 1.2? I need this version to make it work with my windows 7.

  13. yair says:

    Env. Win 7 64 bit , Outlook 2007

    steps – these steps worked for me
    - install lookout version 1.3 and start outlook get error msg verify that you see lookout toolbar
    - go into safe mode – just unplug the compurt from power and it provide an option to go to safe mode
    - rename GAG in cmd – see belwo how
    » cd %SYSTEMROOT%\assembly\GAC
    » rename Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OLD
    - start outlook – if all is fine – that’s it
    if not
    - start outlook and uncheck the lookout toolbar and close outlook
    - start outlook and check the lookout toolbar back

    start working …

  14. cryingtiger3 says:

    Anyone know how to make Lookout work on Outlook 2007 that is running Windows 7 or Vista? I’ve tried everything here and it does not seem to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  15. [...] , download patched Inventures_Olk.dll from here and patched Lookout.dll from here.I followed Mike’s instructions in different places, to make it done. IMPORTANT: TRY NOW IF ITS WORKING, IF NO [...]

  16. Thanks, yair – your method worked for me with Outlook 2007 on Win 7 64 – your “if not” hint was necessary. However, Outlook crashed during indexing. I “fixed” this by removing my archive folders from the index list and the indexing ran to completion.

Posted by 세모아
이것 사용중 //2011.6(?)부터
 - 유료지만, Google calendar sync, Toodledo sync를 한개의 프로그램에서 하니까 좋다.
    무엇보다 막히지 않은 거라서, 싱크가 되어서 좋다.

Posted by 세모아
 아웃룩의 자체 검색으로는 잘 안됨
 (인덱싱 상태가 완료되었어도 1.3 또는 1.3.3 으로 검색하면 결과가 불완전함 2011-08-04)
  (ex. 1.3.3으로 다음 메일 검색이 안됨
    [V1.3.3 파라미터 설명 자료 요청]-Re: [EIL] v1.3.4 패키지 전송   (7/9일자)  )

해결책 : 구글 데스크톱을 설치할 필요없이,
       아래그림처럼 "상세하게 찾기"를 이용하면 됨.  (메뉴 위치 : 도구 - 빠른 검색 - 상세하게 찾기 [Ctrl+Shift+F])

쉽게 접근하기 위해서, 아래처럼 툴바에 넣고 아이콘을 복사해넣으면 좋음.
(좌측의 선택된 폴더가, 찾기의 위치로 자동설정됨)

Posted by 세모아

주의사항 :
ODIR runs in all Outlook versions starting from Outlook 2000. ODIR does NOT run in 64 bit Office versions (no problem in Office 32 bit on Windows 64 bit).


* 문제현상 : 설치후 아웃룩 메뉴에서 ODIR 이 보이지 않음.

 - 해결책 : 

  1) 아래 메뉴 클릭

2) ODIR를 선택하고 [사용] 버튼 클릭후, 아웃룩 재시작.

  * 위 해결책의 힌트

Posted by 세모아