
How to Set a Folder to Save Screen Shots on Mac

Whenever you take the screen shots on Mac it directly save those on desktop. This would be better if you specify a  folder on Mac to automatically save the screen shots because in that way it’ll be easy to organize them. So, if you want to change the default storage location, which is the desktop on Mac for screen shots then follow these steps to do so.

See also: How to capture screen shots on Mac

Step 1

Click on Finder


Step 2

Navigate to Utilities folder and click on Terminal icon to launch it


Step 3

Type the following command in Terminal and press enter button to execute. You have to specify username and foldername in command according to your Mac settings and most importantly do not use space in folder name otherwise command will not provide the required results

defaults write location /Users/username/desktop/foldername


where: mac09  = mac user name & twscreenshots = specified folder on desktop

Step 4

Now, type and execute another command in Terminal
killall SystemUIServer


Close the Terminal window, the default location to save the screen shots has been replaced by the new specified folder

Posted by 세모아