
Code Wars: Ruby vs Python vs PHP [Infographic]

Posted on January 6, 2012 by in Infographics

Just as the Japanese, Spanish and French languages are uniquely different, programming languages also have their variations, some more popular and easier to use than others. With the recent introduction of some new ones, there is a ‘war’ of modern day languages.

What’s easier and faster to use is not always the best option.

Below we highlight three of today’s most popular programming languages. Whether you’re looking to learn PHP, grab that hot new Python class, or finally learn Ruby and conquer Rails, this infographic compares how they differentiate, who uses them, and their popularity.

Think you know who reigns? You may be surprised.



자. 여기 제법 인기있는 프로그래밍 언어들에 대한 인포그래픽이 있습니다.
PHP와 파이썬(Python), 루비(Ruby)의 현황과 다양한 측면에서의 비교, 또 시장에서 어떻게 경쟁을 하고 있는지를 일목 요연하게 담고 있는데요. 일단 한번 쭈욱~ 둘러보시죠.

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