* 네트워크 폴더/드라이브 접속시 에러코드를 찾는 법

C:\Users\ITSadmin>net use \\\sharing /USER:abcd
시스템 오류 53이(가) 생겼습니다.
네트워크 경로를 찾지 못했습니다.


* 네트워크 드라이브 접속시 아래 error 발생시 조치방법

1. 86번 error

  : 원인은, 암호가 맞지 않아서임.

아래처럼, NET HELPMSG 86 하면, 원인에 나옴.

2. 53번 error

  - 설명:      C:\Users\Administrator>net helpmsg 53
                 네트워크 경로를 찾지 못했습니다.

  - 해결책: a) 방화벽을 전체 off 하거나(아래그림)

               b) 방화벽에서 파일공유를 예외설정함(Use the Exceptions tab and check the File and Printer Sharing entry)

힌트 얻은 출처: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_vista-networking/windows-logon-unsuccessful-during-map-network/055d61a5-00d0-4798-9e98-66e6ba0726de

windows logon unsuccessful during map network drive

I can no longer map a network drive from my Vista Business Laptop to my PC (XP).   I enter a valid userId/Password, but I still get Logon Unsuccesful.   I have read a gazillion discussions and have performed the recommended SECPOL change to no avail.

what is driving me crazy is that this used to work!   I recently had to physically relocate the PC (kitchen renovation) and perhaps its something stupid like a missed connection.  Yet, I've got internet access just fine.  I can ping  192.168.0.*   I'm confused how .3 gets assigned. My tivo is .4 and I tested that connection and it is fine. 

I even had a network printer set up working great:  \\\HP Photosmart ...

The only domain involved is WORKGROUP.   I created a "lapguest" account on the PC specifically for this usage

Am I forgetting some syntax?   The GUI basically says the same thing.

C:\Users\Wendy>net use w: \\\pcc * /USER:WORKGROUP\lapguest
Type the password for \\\pcc:
System error 86 has occurred.

The specified network password is not correct.

C:\Users\Wendy>net use w: \\\pcc * /USER:\\\lapguest
Type the password for \\\pcc:
The user context supplied is invalid.

More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 86.

I think its something stupid I have forgotten about, but it is elusive.     I have also put the computer name in the place, but that doesn;t help.  there's no DNS involved.

Using the GUI, I can browse the network to find the folder to add, but there is nothing under the computer name of the PC.  "pcname" is not a valid host name.   Otherwise get "logon unsuccessful".   I tested the login on the PC and it is definitely correct.

also, I  mapped \\\C$ successfully but I got my LOCAL (laptop) C drive.   ????  that must be a big clue, but just call me clueless...

I even uninstalled mcafee (completely) just in case.  did't like it anyhow so no biggie.

I know there will be a big DUH when this is solved.

Posted by 세모아