'2017/09/10'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2017.09.10 Delicious에서 Pinboard로 이사감
  2. 2017.09.10 Delicious가 Pinboard에 합쳐짐

그동안 Delicious를 사용했었는데, 자주 다운도 되고 복구되는데도 시간이 오래 걸리고 그러다가,

최근에는 더 그런 증상이 심해졌다 했더니, Pinboard로 acquire되었네요.

참고 링크는 여기

대체할 bookmark social service로 다음 것들을 테스트해봤다.

1. Google bookmark

   - chrome에 의존됨

2. Pocket

   - 너무 큰 Delicious bookmark 파일을 import 못해서 쪼개서 import 시켰음.

3. InstaPapaer

   - Delicious의 import를 지원하지 않아서, 위 Pocket으로 delicious를 쪼개서 import & export & delete 하여 import  하였음

4. Pinboard

   - Delicious bookmark가 쉽게 import 됨. 그런데 그 전에 $11/year 결제를 해야 함.

   - Delicious의 Comment가 그대로 보존됨.  <- 이게 제일 나에게 필요한 기능. 

5. Xmarks

   - Delicious를 여기에 import 하여 사용하려고 했는데, 왠지 잘 안되었고 별도의 어플리케이션이 윈도우 실행 중에 뜨면서 불편한 것 같아서 사용 안하고 있었음.

결론은 Pinboard.

[  ] 할일 : addon 을 chrome, IE, iPhone에 설치해서  사용해 봐야 함.

. chrome 에 설치법 간단함.

chrome 북마크 바에 다음 링크의 [popup with tags] 링크를 복사하여 넣으면 됨


참고 url :




Posted by 세모아


Pinboard Blog

Pinboard Acquires Delicious

Pinboard has acquired Delicious. Here’s what you need to know:

If you’re a Pinboard user, nothing will change. Sad!

If you’re a Delicious user, you will have to find another place to save your bookmarks. The site will stay online. but on June 15, I will put Delicious into read-only mode. You won't be able to save new bookmarks after that date, or use the API.

Users will have an opportunity to migrate their bookmarks to a Pinboard account, which costs $11/year. Those who prefer to bookmark elsewhere will be able to export their data once I fix the export link, which was disabled some months ago for peformance reasons.

Please note that there is no time pressure for moving off Delicious. You won't be able to save new bookmarks after June 15, but everything else will continue to work, or break in familiar ways.

As for the ultimate fate of the site, I'll have more to say about that soon. Delicious has over a billion bookmarks and is a fascinating piece of web history. Even Yahoo, for whom mismanagement is usually effortless, had to work hard to keep Delicious down. I bought it in part so it wouldn’t disappear from the web.

This is the fifth time Delicious has been sold. Founded in 2003, the site received funding from Union Square Ventures in 2005, and sold to Yahoo later that year for somewhere between $15-$30M.

In December of 2010, Yahoo announced it was ‘sunsetting’ Delicious, an adventure I wrote about at length. The site was sold to the YouTube founders in 2011. They subsequently sold it to Science, Inc. in 2014. Science sold it to Delicious Media in 2016, and last month Delicious Media sold it to me.

Do not attempt to compete with Pinboard.

—maciej on June 01, 2017

'Software > Utility' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by 세모아