[VC++] error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol  발생시의 해결책 :


해결책 :

  • Linker - Input - Additional Library Directories에 lib 폴더를 지정하고,
    Linker - Input - Additional Dependencies에  abc.lib 을 추가
    Linker - Input - Additional Library Directories에 lib 폴더를 지정하고,
    cpp 코드 상단에 #pragma comment(lib, "Ws2_32.lib"를 추가
  • 32 and 64 bit versions of the libraries을 맞춤 
    ( 32bit 프로젝트에 64bit lib을 넣어서 발생하는 경우도 있음) //16.8.11



Possible reasons:

  • the sdl.lib and sdlmain.lib settings are not added to dependency list
  • their location was not added to the list of directories where the linker looks
  • you have mismatched 32 and 64 bit versions of the libraries.

Posted by 세모아